Blog posts tagged spatial

Reverse-Geocoding in Time at SFO Museum

Reverse-Geocoding in Time at SFO Museum

Have you ever wanted to be able to reverse-geocode a point not just in space but also in time? Have you ever wanted to do that date-filtering with fuzzy or imprecise dates, encoded using the Extended DateTime Format (EDTF) ? Have you ever wanted to do both of these things with an arbitrary subset of location records? Have you ever wanted to be able expose these things as a web application and an API that doesn’t need to talk to a remote database? Have you ever wanted to be able to deploy those applications both locally and as serverless applications running on a cloud-provider’s infrastructure? Now you can.

This is a blog post by aaron cope. It was published on March 26, 2021 and tagged golang, tools, edtf, spatial and reverse-geocoding.