@SFOMuseum Instagram Posts Tagged vanessafabbre This is SFO Museum's archive of the @SFOMuseum Instagram account. There are 11 posts . See all the tags or all the Instagram posts that have been archived so far.

“I always felt more like girls, like women. This image was posted on June 16, 2023. #jesstdugan #vanessafabbre #tosurviveonthisshore #trans #transgender #gendernonconforming
“I knew that I might lose family, that people might reject me. This image was posted on June 06, 2023. #jesstdugan #vanessafabbre #tosurviveonthisshore #trans #transgender #gendernonconforming
“Well, it’s not terribly complicated. This image was posted on May 10, 2023. #jesstdugan #vanessafabbre #tosurviveonthisshore #trans #transgender #gendernonconforming
“I find that the majority of trans men of color choose to live non-disclosed, low- or no-disclosure for economic reasons, for safety reasons, and for family reasons. This image was posted on April 24, 2023. #jesstdugan #vanessafabbre #tosurviveonthisshore #trans #transgender #gendernonconforming
“I always knew I was trans, and I always knew that I was femme. This image was posted on April 11, 2023. #jesstdugan #vanessafabbre #tosurviveonthisshore #trans #transgender #gendernonconforming
“As far back as I could remember, I've always felt like a boy. This image was posted on February 14, 2023. #jesstdugan #vanessafabbre #tosurviveonthisshore #trans #transgender #gendernonconforming #blackhistorymonth
“I remember I was four years old when I first told my mother – well, no, it was actually my grandmother – that I was a girl.” “The activism keeps me young. This image was posted on January 20, 2023. #jesstdugan #vanessafabbre #tosurviveonthisshore #trans #transgender #gendernonconforming
Representations of older transgender people are nearly absent from our culture and those that do exist are often one-dimensional. This image was posted on December 09, 2022. #jesstdugan #vanessafabbre #tosurviveonthisshore #trans #transgender #gendernonconforming