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Pan American Airways’ first Sikorsky S-42 test flight to Hawaii took off #onthisday in 1935 from Alameda, California. Ed Musick and his crew left Alameda with 17,000 lbs. of fuel and arrived at Pearl Harbor after an 18-hour flight with 5,000 lbs. of fuel remaining. The return flight taught the crew and airline many lessons. Most notable was that the winds from Hawaii back to California were adverse and depleted the fuel reserves. After this test flight, Musick ordered an additional fuel tank to be installed with some engine and cowl modifications. In this photo, Pan American's Sikorsky S-42 China Clipper flies over the incomplete Bay Bridge, leaving from Pan Am's Alameda base in 1935. Learn more about the China Clipper and early transpacific flight in “China Clipper”, on display pre-security, in the Aviation Museum and Library in the International Terminal. http://bit.ly/chinaclipper Image: Pan American Airways, Sikorsky S-42, 1935. Transferred from the Pan American World Airways Archive. 1993.11.39 This image was posted on April 16, 2017.

This post mentions the following things involved with the SFO Museum collection:

Pan American Airways. It is related to Pan American World Airways (the company) .