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Seto potters first achieved production of true porcelain during the opening decades of the 1800s. Sometime during the late Meji period (1868–1912), the Seto kilns began producing maneki neko. By the Taisho period (1912–26), they evolved into much more elaborate forms, modeled after Japanese bobtail cats with highly decorative bibs. Today, Seto remains one of the most celebrated Japanese pottery centers and continues to play a leading role in Japan’s ceramic industry. The region is so closely identified with the production of pottery that the term Setomono (Seto things) has become a general term for Japanese ceramic products. This exhibition was made possible by a generous loan from Mingei International Museum. "Maneki Neko: Japanese Beckoning Cat" is on display post-security, in Terminal 2. http://bit.ly/BeckoningCats This image was posted on May 29, 2018.