Search results for play that are a tweet See all the search results for this query

RT @SFAllShookDown: DJ Qbert, Declared America's Best DJ, to Play Free Show at SFO on Friday: (@DJQbert @SFOMuseum) This tweet was posted on November 29, 2011.
RT @VincentMGee: Walter Kitundu: Combines visual art amd music. Yes, it really plays. #SFO #AirportArt #Music This tweet was posted on October 15, 2015.
RT @flySFO: Play the #CopaMatch game by 5/8 for a chance to win 2 tickets to Panama City or Rio! Go to to enter! ht… This tweet was posted on May 02, 2017.
RT @flySFO: Play the #CopaMatch game now through 5/8 at, for a chance to win 2 tickets to Panama City or Rio on @Co… This tweet was posted on April 17, 2017.
RT @flySFO: The @exploratorium store is now open! Visit this extension of a playful learning laboratory in Terminal 3 #SF… This tweet was posted on April 11, 2016.
RT @martin_gohary: “Dans Le Noir” the short film I scored is now playing at SFO! This tweet was posted on July 14, 2022.
RT @mikecollett: This "Let's Play" #SFO Terminal 2 old board game exhibit seriously cool #unclewiggly This tweet was posted on January 09, 2013.
RT @tomhalltravel: . @flySFO great aviation museum and library. Clipper route history. And these playing cards! #avgeek #airports http://t.… This tweet was posted on July 22, 2015.
Rather than use the traditional button accordion typical in #Cajun and #Creole music, #CliftonChenier played a piano accordion, which can play in any key. While playing music, he worked in various trades including agriculture and truck driving for oil refineries. #StoryofArhoolie This tweet was posted on November 03, 2018.
Rippon's iconic images document the legendary exploits of players—from early stars like Hugh McElhenny and Bob St. Clair playing at Kezar Stadium, to Joe Montana and the generation of players who brought home the team’s first Super Bowl trophy in 1982. #FrankRippon @49ers This tweet was posted on December 27, 2021.
SF native Daniel Green’s artwork conveys an intense & playful fascination with American entertainment & popular culture. #ArtAndDisabilty This tweet was posted on November 21, 2016.
SF native Daniel Green’s artwork conveys an intense & playful fascination with American pop culture #ArtAndDisabilty This tweet was posted on June 27, 2016.
SFO Museum received a special visit from filmmaker Howard Kung and his sister Michelle, who flew to SFO to see Howard’s wonderful animated short The Lonely Stoplight, now playing at our Video Arts screening room in the International Terminal Main Hall. This tweet was posted on July 24, 2019.
San Francisco-based director Dana Frankoff profiles a 90-year-old Balinese fisherman who collects plastic from the ocean in hopes of being able to fish again, inspiring us to play our part so we can accomplish something greater than ourselves. #VideoArts #VideoArtsSFO #EarthMonth This tweet was posted on April 06, 2023.
Seen here playing the flute, Krishna's youthful energy can symbolize the joyful interplay between the divine This tweet was posted on October 29, 2012.
Some claimed that spirits dictated entire books to them via the Ouija board. Others turned to talking boards to seek advice about their love lives or for guidance during troubled times. Have you ever played with a Ouija board? #HappyHalloween #OuijaAndBeyond This tweet was posted on October 31, 2022.
Sometimes, it really is all fun and games at the museum! The nearly 300 model airplanes displayed in “Aviation Evolutions” need to go back into storage and our collections team is playing a game of museum Tetris to find the most efficient way to pack them. #behindthescenes This tweet was posted on April 08, 2019.
The Link Flight Trainer played an important role in the development of commercial aviation. Instrument flying was taught on the Link Flight Trainer with the canopy closed. #TheMainLine This tweet was posted on February 23, 2018.
The Savoy-Doucet Cajun Band has performed together since 1977. Composed of members, Marc Savoy, Ann Savoy, and Michael Doucet, they have played important roles in the preservation and revitalization of Cajun music and culture. #storyofarhoolie This tweet was posted on May 23, 2019.
The first wave of instrumental surf music captivated young people all across the United States. Surf music was loud and dynamic, driven by Fender guitars played through the company’s new Reverb unit, which produced a watery, echo-like effect. #InstrumentalSurf This tweet was posted on March 26, 2021.
The kepi-style hat playfully combines a military touch with the mod 1960s-look of the dress. #FashionInFlight This tweet was posted on July 06, 2016.
The lap steel guitar was developed in Hawai’i and is attributed to an adolescent named Joseph Kekuku (1874–1932). He began playing a regular guitar on his lap and sliding a piece of metal along its strings. #StoryofArhoolie This tweet was posted on January 16, 2019.
The next step for museum HVAC systems? MT @asianartmuseum: Well played, @thebolditalic. *slow clapping* #AprilFools This tweet was posted on April 01, 2013.
Theatrical #radio performed live and “on the air” was perfected during the 1930s. Vocal talent, sound effects, and compelling stories stoked audience imaginations. Did you have a favorite radio play? #RadioSFO This tweet was posted on May 25, 2018.
These objects are rendered in an uncanny fashion with a sense of play, emotional intuition, and surrealism that provokes viewers to reimagine themselves and the way they see the world around them. #WoodyDeOthello #publicart #SFAC @SFAC This tweet was posted on January 28, 2022.
These objects are rendered in an uncanny fashion with a sense of play, emotional intuition, and surrealism that provokes viewers to reimagine themselves and the way they view the world around them. #PublicArt #WoodyDeOthello #BlackHistoryMonth This tweet was posted on February 22, 2023.
These two cats, imitating the gods Daikoku and Ebisu, are playing Go, a strategy board game invented in China more than 2,500 years ago. #BeckoningCats This tweet was posted on March 15, 2018.
This postcard circa 1925 depicts tennis being played in the sky on the wings of a Curtiss JN-4 Jenny biplane. The back side reads “Ivan Unger and Gladys Roy playing tennis on wings of airplane in flight.” #WomeninAviation This tweet was posted on October 10, 2018.
This unusual style of #beckoningcat comes from the Hanamaki kilns in northern Japan. Its head is slightly tilted and it grasps a ball in its right hand in a playful gesture. #BeckoningCats #caturday This tweet was posted on April 21, 2018.
To entice young children to play board games in the 1880s-90s, makers based games on fairy tales & nursery rhymes: This tweet was posted on January 22, 2013.
Toy Story had to be true to the audience’s memories of playing with their staple childhood toys. #ToyStory20 This tweet was posted on May 09, 2016.
What’s your favorite card game? Spades, Poker, Blackjack, Go Fish? Lightweight and highly portable, playing cards were ideally suited for use on airliners. Browse over seven hundred decks of playing cards on our collections’ website. #PlayingCards #AvGeek This tweet was posted on July 01, 2022.
Who famously said, “the object of the roles I played is not to turn your stomach, but merely to make your hair stand on end"? #KirksMonsters This tweet was posted on October 13, 2015.
With characteristic wit and irony, Hudson's canvases play with creating visual contradictions between three-dimensional illusion and flat, two-dimensional space. #RobertHudson #PublicArt #Painting #SFAC This tweet was posted on January 06, 2023.
Women play an integral part in the aviation industry as mechanics. #WomenInAviation This tweet was posted on February 17, 2016.
“Intersection” by Gay Outlaw is an elaboration of a perforated cube design that the artist has worked with extensively. The colorful terrazzo dots stand in for perforations, and lend the sculpture a playful pattern and rhythm. © Ethan Kaplan Photography This tweet was posted on July 29, 2021.