Search results for @airspacemag that are a tweet See all the search results for this query

RT @airspacemag: After ten weeks of flight training, these dogs took the left seat of a Cessna 182.… This tweet was posted on May 10, 2016.
RT @airspacemag: Air travel was a party, and they were the hosts: This tweet was posted on January 17, 2017.
RT @airspacemag: Carla Dove, a forensic ornithologist, makes the skies a safer place for birds and planes. https://… This tweet was posted on October 04, 2016.
RT @airspacemag: Conservation triage analyzes the risk posed to an object if immediate action isn’t taken. https://… This tweet was posted on October 06, 2016.
RT @airspacemag: Five airplanes that made no difference. This tweet was posted on April 01, 2016.
RT @airspacemag: How much of the world's population has flown on an airplane? This tweet was posted on May 17, 2017.
RT @airspacemag: If you wanted a cocktail in-flight in 1950, better hope you weren't passing over a dry state. http… This tweet was posted on March 02, 2017.
RT @airspacemag: Missing for 36 yrs, the Wright brothers patent application for a "flying machine" reappears. https… This tweet was posted on April 04, 2016.
RT @airspacemag: The Lost Clipper: These detectives are still looking for the cause of the Pan Am 944 crash. https:… This tweet was posted on May 23, 2016.
RT @airspacemag: The first black airmen to fly across America took off with $25 and a dream. This tweet was posted on October 03, 2018.
RT @airspacemag: This man's job is inspecting millions of airport fish: This tweet was posted on March 23, 2017.
RT @airspacemag: Were passengers allowed to smoke on early flights? Take our quiz and prove your knowledge! https:/… This tweet was posted on April 29, 2016.
RT @airspacemag: Your airline seat has suffered a lot of punishment. This tweet was posted on October 05, 2016.