@SFOMuseum Instagram Posts This is SFO Museum's archive of the @SFOMuseum Instagram account. There are 4,727 posts and this is page 298 of 394.

Dubbed “The Uniform for the Superjet Era,” and created for the new wide-body jet service, this uniform marked a new direction in Pan Am’s approach to fashion. This video was posted on July 01, 2016.
Dubbed “The Uniform for the Superjet Era,” and created for the new wide-body jet service, this uniform marked a new direction in Pan Am’s approach to fashion. This video was posted on July 01, 2016.
Does a California vacation fit your plans and pocketbook this summer? This image was posted on July 01, 2016.
The interior of the air traffic control room at SFO in 1968 looks very different from a modern air traffic control room. This image was posted on June 30, 2016.
Before handy translation websites were were just a few clicks away, airlines gave out phrase converters to passengers on international flights. This image was posted on June 30, 2016.
This image was posted on June 29, 2016. #terracognito
United opened the airline industry's first kitchen in Oakland, California in the late 1930s. This image was posted on June 27, 2016.
San Francisco native Daniel Green’s artwork conveys an intense and playful fascination with American entertainment and popular culture. This image was posted on June 27, 2016.
An inspiring poster from the 1930s! This image was posted on June 26, 2016.