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Harvey Bernard Milk (1930–78) was a visionary human rights leader, a groundbreaking political luminary, and a seminal figure of the LGBTQ rights movement. The first openly gay elected official in California, Milk used his platform to encourage others to come out of the closet as a critical first step toward achieving their rights. Harvey Milk’s powerful statement on Gay Freedom Day in 1978 featured a challenge to President Jimmy Carter and a call for national action that would be answered with the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights on October 14, 1979, drawing more than 100,000 citizens to the nation’s capital to demand their civil rights: “I call upon all minorities, and especially gay people, to wake up from their dreams. To join us in Washington on that same spot and tell the nation, ‘No more. No more racism. No more sexism. No more ageism. No more bigotry.” See “Harvey Milk: Messenger of Hope” on display, both pre- and post-security, in Harvey Milk Terminal 1 and online at: http://bit.ly/HarveyMilkExhibition This image was posted on June 22, 2022.