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John Patrick McKenzie of Creativity Explored (@creativityexplored) is featured in our exhibition "Celebrating a Vision: #ArtAndDisability". McKenzie moved from the Philippines to the United States with his family in 1964 and joined the Creativity Explored studio in 1989. Text functions as the basis of his practice and is used for both its visual and scriptural qualities, creating work that simultaneously serves as visual image and as poetry. His original scripts and arrangements of text with complex and repetitive sequencing of calligraphy are tactile examples of his interpretation of the world, and can be both hilarious and poignant. Check out this brief video to see the artist at work: http://bit.ly/24LZvdo See more from John Patrick McKenzie and other artists from Creativity Explored in "Celebrating a Vision: #ArtAndDisability", on display, post-security, in Terminal 3. http://bit.ly/ArtAndDisability This image was posted on May 16, 2016.