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Pan American Airways pioneered commercial airline service to Latin America and the Caribbean in the late 1920s and early 1930s, when air travel was first developing into a viable form of transportation. By 1930, the airline linked twenty-nine Latin American and Caribbean countries and territories with regularly scheduled airmail, passenger, and cargo flights. Pan Am’s public relations and advertising manager Daniel Rochford (1900–89) traveled extensively throughout Central America in the winter of 1930–31 and helped document Pan America’s operations from Cristóbal in the Panama Canal Zone to Guatemala, photographing PAA’s service in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador. See Daniel Rochford’s photographs in “Pan American Airways in Central America,” online at: http://bit.ly/PAAinCA This image was posted on May 01, 2020.

This post mentions the following things involved with the SFO Museum collection:

Pan American Airways. It is related to Pan American World Airways (the company) .