Dear Eric, Mr. Staller, Your Emperor of Creative Genius

This is a blog post by sfomuseum that was published on November 30, 2018 . It was tagged publicart, sfo and T3.

Spirogyrate by Eric Staller is an immersive and interactive installation, located in Boarding Area E (Terminal 3) composed of graphic spiral patterns and light that change and respond to people’s movement through the space. Staller’s artwork utilizes light, space and motion to delight and surprise the public. The result is a whimsical environment to be enjoyed by travelers of all ages.

We recently received this letter from the parents of a delighted young traveler, and share it with their permission.

Dear Eric, Mr. Staller, Your Emperor of Creative Genius,

Thank you for Spirogyrate at SFO.

Dancing around over the spinning shapes and colors was the happiest 20 minutes in my son’s life. He smiled non-stop - hopped and skipped with joy. Your art spoke to him on a level that I’ve never seen before and built a bridge from our world to his.

Max is 8, non-verbal, funny and bright, and hard pull out of that special mind of his. I want desperately for him to be able to unlock his talents. Communication is coming slowly. But his talents are another thing. I know he can do anything - he copies complex Rube Goldberg machines at home - remaking them with dominos, marbles, rulers, train tracks, tennis balls, and whatever else is around.

He is brilliant and creative, but stuck inside sometimes and Spirogyrate brought him to that place where he could show his talents to our world. I will never forget the joy. Thank you again.

I doubt you would ever make mini / house versions of your work, but please let me know if you. I’d crowdfund that in a hot minute and I need an excuse to redo the downstairs floors. Why not in plexiglass?

This letter can’t convey the deep connection that I so desperately desire with my child. I receive a small taste every day. An unexpected hug, or “I love you,” but to be able to feel it for minutes was a most precious, unexpected gift.

You’ve touched us with your talents.

Sincerely, Myra Jo and hubby Scott