Search results for @TNguyenSilver

"My desire is that a finished piece should feel like a beautifully composed piece of music, able to be spiritually uplifting, emotionally stirring, inspiring and beautiful." - #TheresaNguyen #BritishSilver @TNguyenSilver This tweet was posted on April 03, 2019.
In 2011, #TheresaNguyen created her Spiritus centerpiece for an exhibition at the Goldsmiths’ Company in London. The fold-formed piece explored the artist’s perception of containment. #BritishSilver @TNguyenSilver This tweet was posted on April 03, 2019.
To gather source material, #TheresaNguyen traveled to many of England’s most renowned gardens, sketching foliage and observing the manner in which plant life unfolds and reaches towards the sun. #BritishSilver @TNguyenSilver This tweet was posted on April 03, 2019.