@SFOMuseum Instagram Posts Tagged VideoArtsSFOM This is SFO Museum's archive of the @SFOMuseum Instagram account. There are 148 posts and this is page 9 of 13. See all the tags or all the Instagram posts that have been archived so far.

Elizabeth Ito’s animated short features a soft-spoken teenage monster named T-Kesh who is forced to navigate the drama of being different in a story that addresses a commonly held fear of outsiders. This image was posted on September 10, 2018. #videoartssfom #video #film #illustration #animation #monster #elizabethito #tkesh #outsider #teenager #highschool #bullying #differences
Kabul native Abbas Alizada hopes to inspire his fellow Afghans to realize their dreams and help transform the prevailing image of Afghanistan as a place of terrorism and war-torn strife to one that accurately reflects the character of its people. This video was posted on September 05, 2018. #videoartssfom #video #film #documentary #afganistan #afgan #brucelee #martialarts #kabul #abbasalizada #jaygarayn
Kabul native Abbas Alizada hopes to inspire his fellow Afghans to realize their dreams and help transform the prevailing image of Afghanistan as a place of terrorism and war-torn strife to one that accurately reflects the character of its people. This video was posted on September 05, 2018. #videoartssfom #video #film #documentary #afganistan #afgan #brucelee #martialarts #kabul #abbasalizada #jaygarayn
With a deceptively simple concept, filmmakers Alex Gorosh and Wylie Overstreet invite passersby in Los Angeles to gaze upon what they’ve looked at all their lives but never seen, evoking a common response of wonder and revealing our shared humanity. This video was posted on August 21, 2018. #videoartssfom #video #film #documentary #moon #lunar #telescope #street #gaze #la #losangeles
With a deceptively simple concept, filmmakers Alex Gorosh and Wylie Overstreet invite passersby in Los Angeles to gaze upon what they’ve looked at all their lives but never seen, evoking a common response of wonder and revealing our shared humanity. This video was posted on August 21, 2018. #videoartssfom #video #film #documentary #moon #lunar #telescope #street #gaze #la #losangeles
Nicholas Arioli’s CG animated short explores the significance of the term “life savings” through the experience of a naïve young boy who opens a lemonade stand to finance his dreams of space travel, an aspiration long-held by the filmmaker. This image was posted on August 13, 2018. #videoartssfom #video #film #animation #illustration #space #spacetravel #computergenerated #lemonadestand #lemonade #lifesavings
Roberto Olivera, a second-generation immigrant who worked California’s tomato fields to escape poverty and an affectionless stepfather, explains the lessons his mother taught him in this touching and reflective film made by Mr. Olivera’s son-in-law. This video was posted on August 06, 2018. #videoartssfom #video #film #documentary #farming #fields #california #immigration #immigrant #migration
Roberto Olivera, a second-generation immigrant who worked California’s tomato fields to escape poverty and an affectionless stepfather, explains the lessons his mother taught him in this touching and reflective film made by Mr. Olivera’s son-in-law. This video was posted on August 06, 2018. #videoartssfom #video #film #documentary #farming #fields #california #immigration #immigrant #migration
During the particularly warm winter of 2014-15, thousands of starlings stayed in the Netherlands instead of migrating southwards, providing filmmaker Jan van IJken with the opportunity to film one of the most spectacular natural phenomena on earth. This video was posted on July 30, 2018. #videoartssfom #video #film #experimental #starlings #birds #starling #netherlands #nature #bird #migration #swarm #europe
During the particularly warm winter of 2014-15, thousands of starlings stayed in the Netherlands instead of migrating southwards, providing filmmaker Jan van IJken with the opportunity to film one of the most spectacular natural phenomena on earth. This video was posted on July 30, 2018. #videoartssfom #video #film #experimental #starlings #birds #starling #netherlands #nature #bird #migration #swarm #europe
Robin Mason’s snapshot of multiple perspectives on growing up in the UK was created from telephone interviews conducted in 2017 with teenagers in Swindon, a town in Southwest England that has often served as a political bellwether for the country. This video was posted on July 23, 2018. #videoartssfom #video #film #england #youth #uk #unitedkingdom #swindon #interviews #documentary #teenagers
Robin Mason’s snapshot of multiple perspectives on growing up in the UK was created from telephone interviews conducted in 2017 with teenagers in Swindon, a town in Southwest England that has often served as a political bellwether for the country. This video was posted on July 23, 2018. #videoartssfom #video #film #england #youth #uk #unitedkingdom #swindon #interviews #documentary #teenagers