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Cats have charmed people with their mysterious allure for thousands of years. As adept hunters, many domestic cats are self-sufficient creatures with characteristically nonchalant, independent personalities. Cats were venerated by the ancient Egyptians and celebrated as symbols of good luck throughout Asia. In Europe, cats became associated with magic, witchcraft, and evil spirits and were persecuted for centuries before they gained cultural acceptance. Today, there are an estimated 600 million domesticated cats worldwide, making them the most popular contemporary pets. This exhibition explores the history of the cat and its allure through art, literature, and decorative arts from around the world. "Caticons: The Cat in Art" is now on display, pre-security, in the International Terminal. http://bit.ly/Caticons This image was posted on July 20, 2018.

This post mentions the following things involved with the SFO Museum collection:

Caticons: The Cat in Art
This nonaviation exhibition was on display between July 2018 and April 2019 in the A-02 International South Cases gallery, located in International Terminal