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This is your last week to see "Caticons: The Cat in Art." Cats have charmed people with their mysterious allure for thousands of years. As adept hunters, many domestic cats are self-sufficient creatures with characteristically nonchalant, independent personalities. This exhibition explores the history of the cat and its allure through art, literature, and decorative arts from around the world. A very special thank you to Sandy Lerner for making this exhibition possible. See "Caticons: The Cat in Art" is on display, pre-security, in the International Terminal. http://bit.ly/Caticons This image was posted on April 16, 2019.

This post mentions the following things involved with the SFO Museum collection:

Caticons: The Cat in Art
This nonaviation exhibition was on display between July 2018 and April 2019 in the A-02 International South Cases gallery, located in International Terminal