Flights for UA5464 These are not all the flights that UA5464 has taken, just some of them that have flown in or out of SFO

UA5464 (RDM-SFO)
This United Airlines flight traveled from Roberts Field Airport to San Francisco International Airport, on February 10, 2019. It arrived at gate F78. See all the flights for UA5464.
UA5464 (RDM-SFO)
This United Airlines flight traveled from Roberts Field Airport to San Francisco International Airport, on February 05, 2019. It arrived at gate F78. See all the flights for UA5464.
UA5464 (RDM-SFO)
This United Airlines flight traveled from Roberts Field Airport to San Francisco International Airport, on February 02, 2019. It arrived at gate F78. See all the flights for UA5464.