Concordances with World Meteorological Organization identifiers See all the sources that SFO Museum has concordances with

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is GN and we reference it as wmo:id=GN.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is GY and we reference it as wmo:id=GY.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is HA and we reference it as wmo:id=HA.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is HO and we reference it as wmo:id=HO.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is HK and we reference it as wmo:id=HK.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is HU and we reference it as wmo:id=HU.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is IL and we reference it as wmo:id=IL.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is IN and we reference it as wmo:id=IN.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is ID and we reference it as wmo:id=ID.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is IR and we reference it as wmo:id=IR.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is IQ and we reference it as wmo:id=IQ.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is IE and we reference it as wmo:id=IE.