Concordances with Wikipedia identifiers See all the sources that SFO Museum has concordances with

The Air Austral is an airline that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikipedia identifiers are wk:page and wk:pageid and we reference it as wk:page=Air Austral and wk:pageid=1497794 respectively.

Air Austral
This is a company.

Its Wikipedia identifiers are wk:page and wk:pageid and we reference it as wk:page=Air Austral and wk:pageid=1497794 respectively.

The Air BC is an airline that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikipedia identifiers are wk:page and wk:pageid and we reference it as wk:page=Air BC and wk:pageid=1529658 respectively.

Air BC
This is a company.

Its Wikipedia identifiers are wk:page and wk:pageid and we reference it as wk:page=Air BC and wk:pageid=1529658 respectively.

The Air BVI is an airline that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikipedia identifiers are wk:page and wk:pageid and we reference it as wk:page=Air BVI and wk:pageid=30785376 respectively.

This is a company.

Its Wikipedia identifiers are wk:page and wk:pageid and we reference it as wk:page=Air BVI and wk:pageid=30785376 respectively.

The Air Belgium is an airline that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikipedia identifiers are wk:page and wk:pageid and we reference it as wk:page=Air Belgium (since 2016) and wk:pageid=57367009 respectively.

Air Belgium
This is a company.

Its Wikipedia identifiers are wk:page and wk:pageid and we reference it as wk:page=Air Belgium (since 2016) and wk:pageid=57367009 respectively.

The Air Berlin is an airline that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikipedia identifiers are wk:page and wk:pageid and we reference it as wk:page=Air Berlin and wk:pageid=463700 respectively.

Air Berlin
This is a company.

Its Wikipedia identifiers are wk:page and wk:pageid and we reference it as wk:page=Air Berlin and wk:pageid=463700 respectively.

The Air California is an airline that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikipedia identifiers are wk:page and wk:pageid and we reference it as wk:page=Air California and wk:pageid=381222 respectively.

The Air Calédonie is an airline that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikipedia identifiers are wk:page and wk:pageid and we reference it as wk:page=Air Calédonie and wk:pageid=429837 respectively.