Concordances with Wikidata identifiers See all the sources that SFO Museum has concordances with

The Tupolev Tu-154 is an aircraft that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q172957 and we reference it as wd:id=Q172957.

The Tupolev Tu-154B is an aircraft that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q172957 and we reference it as wd:id=Q172957.

The Tupolev Tu-154B-2 is an aircraft that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q172957 and we reference it as wd:id=Q172957.

The Tupolev Tu-154M is an aircraft that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q172957 and we reference it as wd:id=Q172957.

The Tupolev Tu-22 is an aircraft that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q213342 and we reference it as wd:id=Q213342.

This is a city.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q495 and we reference it as wd:id=Q495.

This is a country.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q43 and we reference it as wd:id=Q43.

The Turkish Airlines is an airline that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q4548 and we reference it as wd:id=Q4548.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q4548 and we reference it as wd:id=Q4548.

This is a city.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q1018999 and we reference it as wd:id=Q1018999.

The Tyrolean Jet Services is an airline that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q635824 and we reference it as wd:id=Q635824.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q635824 and we reference it as wd:id=Q635824.