Concordances with Yahoo! GeoPlanet identifiers See all the sources that SFO Museum has concordances with

This is a city.

Its Yahoo! GeoPlanet identifier is 532697 and we reference it as gp:id=532697.

This is a country.

Its Yahoo! GeoPlanet identifier is 23424760 and we reference it as gp:id=23424760.

This is a region.

Its Yahoo! GeoPlanet identifier is 2344794 and we reference it as gp:id=2344794.

Its Yahoo! GeoPlanet identifier is 12656721 and we reference it as gp:id=12656721.

This is a city.

Its Yahoo! GeoPlanet identifier is 2362060 and we reference it as gp:id=2362060.

This is a city.

Its Yahoo! GeoPlanet identifier is 12345 and we reference it as gp:id=12345.

The Ben Gurion Airport is an airport that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Yahoo! GeoPlanet identifier is 12513775 and we reference it as gp:id=12513775.

The Bengaluru International Airport is an airport that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Yahoo! GeoPlanet identifier is 55965437 and we reference it as gp:id=55965437.

The Benito Juarez International Airport is an airport that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Yahoo! GeoPlanet identifier is 12514910 and we reference it as gp:id=12514910.

This is a city.

Its Yahoo! GeoPlanet identifier is 638242 and we reference it as gp:id=638242.

This is a region.

Its Yahoo! GeoPlanet identifier is 2345496 and we reference it as gp:id=2345496.

The Berlin Tegel Airport is an airport that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Yahoo! GeoPlanet identifier is 22164086 and we reference it as gp:id=22164086.