Concordances with Federation Internationale de Football Association identifiers See all the sources that SFO Museum has concordances with

Its Federation Internationale de Football Association identifier is TRI and we reference it as fifa:id=TRI.

This is a country.

Its Federation Internationale de Football Association identifier is TUN and we reference it as fifa:id=TUN.

This is a country.

Its Federation Internationale de Football Association identifier is TUR and we reference it as fifa:id=TUR.

This is a country.

Its Federation Internationale de Football Association identifier is UKR and we reference it as fifa:id=UKR.

Its Federation Internationale de Football Association identifier is UAE and we reference it as fifa:id=UAE.

United States
This is a country.

Its Federation Internationale de Football Association identifier is USA and we reference it as fifa:id=USA.

This is a country.

Its Federation Internationale de Football Association identifier is URU and we reference it as fifa:id=URU.

This is a country.

Its Federation Internationale de Football Association identifier is UZB and we reference it as fifa:id=UZB.

This is a country.

Its Federation Internationale de Football Association identifier is VAN and we reference it as fifa:id=VAN.

This is a country.

Its Federation Internationale de Football Association identifier is VEN and we reference it as fifa:id=VEN.

This is a country.

Its Federation Internationale de Football Association identifier is VIE and we reference it as fifa:id=VIE.

This is a country.

Its Federation Internationale de Football Association identifier is YEM and we reference it as fifa:id=YEM.