Aircraft that are manufactured by Avro

Avro 504. It is related to Avro (the company) .
Avro 594 Avian. It is related to Avro (the company) .
Avro 652A Anson. It is related to Avro (the company) .
Avro 683 Lancaster. It is related to Avro (the company) .
Avro 683 Lancaster MK.1. It is related to Avro (the company) and Avro 683 Lancaster (the aircraft) .
Avro 696 Shackleton MR.3. It is related to Avro (the company) .
Avro 706 Ashton. It is related to Avro (the company) .
Avro 748. It is related to Avro (the company) .