Airbus A318 flights in and out of SFO See just the arrivals or only the departures for Airbus A318 or see all the airports this aircraft has flown to (from SFO) or left from (traveling to SFO).

This Frontier Airlines flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Denver International Airport, on June 04, 2007. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A318. See all the flights for F9294.
This Frontier Airlines flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Denver International Airport, on May 31, 2007. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A318. See all the flights for F9650.
This Frontier Airlines flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Denver International Airport, on June 28, 2007. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A318. See all the flights for F9294.
This Frontier Airlines flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Denver International Airport, on July 01, 2007. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A318. See all the flights for F9294.
This Frontier Airlines flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Denver International Airport, on June 09, 2007. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A318. See all the flights for F9294.
This Frontier Airlines flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Denver International Airport, on July 10, 2007. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A318. See all the flights for F9294.
This Frontier Airlines flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Denver International Airport, on June 22, 2007. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A318. See all the flights for F9294.
This Frontier Airlines flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Denver International Airport, on July 07, 2007. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A318. See all the flights for F9294.
This Frontier Airlines flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Denver International Airport, on July 23, 2007. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A318. See all the flights for F9664.
This Frontier Airlines flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Denver International Airport, on August 09, 2007. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A318. See all the flights for F9664.
This Frontier Airlines flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Denver International Airport, on September 07, 2007. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A318. See all the flights for F9664.
This Frontier Airlines flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Denver International Airport, on August 25, 2007. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A318. See all the flights for F9664.