Airbus A330-300 flights in and out of SFO See just the arrivals or only the departures for Airbus A330-300 or see all the airports this aircraft has flown to (from SFO) or left from (traveling to SFO).

This Finnair flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, on October 15, 2018. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A330-300. See all the flights for AY12.
This Finnair flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, on October 28, 2018. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A330-300. See all the flights for AY12.
This Finnair flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, on November 07, 2018. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A330-300. See all the flights for AY12.
This Finnair flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, on September 06, 2018. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A330-300. See all the flights for AY12.
This Finnair flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, on May 03, 2018. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A330-300. See all the flights for AY12.
This Finnair flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, on May 10, 2018. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A330-300. See all the flights for AY12.
This Finnair flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, on June 14, 2018. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A330-300. See all the flights for AY12.
This Finnair flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, on June 12, 2018. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A330-300. See all the flights for AY12.
This Finnair flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, on June 26, 2018. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A330-300. See all the flights for AY12.
This Finnair flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, on June 28, 2018. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A330-300. See all the flights for AY12.
This Finnair flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, on July 08, 2018. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A330-300. See all the flights for AY12.
This Finnair flight traveled from San Francisco International Airport to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, on August 02, 2018. Passengers were flying aboard an Airbus A330-300. See all the flights for AY12.