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TWA Eastern Division chief hostess Gladys Entrekin designed a new winter uniform in medium blue charmeen gabardine. It was first worn in 1938 at the opening of New York’s LaGuardia Airport and was sketched by pinup artist George Petty, giving it the name “Petty Girl.” This linen summer version was issued the following year and was identical except for the colors—cream with a pale blue blouse. Double-breasted jacket buttons bear the TWA logo, and the high-sided hat, worn at a jaunty angle, features a grosgrain cockade for the insignia. Image: Transcontinental & Western Air (TWA), air hostess, c. 1940. Gift of TWA Clipped Wings International, Inc. 2002.113.389 This image was posted on September 19, 2018.

This post mentions the following things involved with the SFO Museum collection:

TWA (Trans World Airlines). It is related to TWA (Trans World Airlines) (the company) .