Music for Millions: Wurlitzer in The Golden Age of Jukeboxes, 1936-1948 See all the exhibitions.

This nonaviation exhibition was on display between March 2006 and November 2006 in the G-01 International North Wall gallery, located in International Terminal

From the late 1930s to the late 1940s, a period of jukebox design known as the golden age, Wurlitzer achieved artistic and economic dominance over its rivals due to the beautiful and innovative designs of Paul Fuller. This exhibition of Fuller's greatest creations displays the backlighted plastic, color cylinders, and "bubble tubes" that became the identifying features of the classic American jukebox. These jukeboxes are on generous loan from the collection of Primo and Deanie Angeli. They have been faithfully restored by John Jablonski, a San Francisco based master restorer.