Concordances with World Meteorological Organization identifiers See all the sources that SFO Museum has concordances with

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is AF and we reference it as wmo:id=AF.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is AL and we reference it as wmo:id=AL.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is AN and we reference it as wmo:id=AN.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is AT and we reference it as wmo:id=AT.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is AG and we reference it as wmo:id=AG.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is NU and we reference it as wmo:id=NU.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is AU and we reference it as wmo:id=AU.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is OS and we reference it as wmo:id=OS.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is BN and we reference it as wmo:id=BN.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is BW and we reference it as wmo:id=BW.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is BR and we reference it as wmo:id=BR.

This is a country.

Its World Meteorological Organization identifier is BY and we reference it as wmo:id=BY.