Concordances with Wikidata identifiers See all the sources that SFO Museum has concordances with

The Aero Commander 500 is an aircraft that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q381283 and we reference it as wd:id=Q381283.

The Aero Commander 500B is an aircraft that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q381283 and we reference it as wd:id=Q381283.

The Aero Commander 520 is an aircraft that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q381283 and we reference it as wd:id=Q381283.

The Aero Commander 560 is an aircraft that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q381283 and we reference it as wd:id=Q381283.

The Aero Commander 680 is an aircraft that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q381283 and we reference it as wd:id=Q381283.

The Aero Commander L-26B is an aircraft that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q381283 and we reference it as wd:id=Q381283.

The Aero Continente is an airline that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q161432 and we reference it as wd:id=Q161432.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q161432 and we reference it as wd:id=Q161432.

The Aero Espresso Italiana is an airline that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q16524665 and we reference it as wd:id=Q16524665.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q16524665 and we reference it as wd:id=Q16524665.

The Aero Lloyd is an airline that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q314143 and we reference it as wd:id=Q314143.

Aero Lloyd
This is a company.

Its Wikidata identifier is Q314143 and we reference it as wd:id=Q314143.