Concordances with International Organization for Standardization identifiers See all the sources that SFO Museum has concordances with

This is a country.

Its International Organization for Standardization identifier is TW and we reference it as iso:id=TW.

This is a region.

Its International Organization for Standardization identifier is MX-TAM and we reference it as iso:id=MX-TAM.

This is a region.

Its International Organization for Standardization identifier is UZ-TK and we reference it as iso:id=UZ-TK.

This is a region.

Its International Organization for Standardization identifier is IR-07 and we reference it as iso:id=IR-07.

This is a region.

Its International Organization for Standardization identifier is US-TN and we reference it as iso:id=US-TN.

This is a region.

Its International Organization for Standardization identifier is US-TX and we reference it as iso:id=US-TX.

This is a region.

Its International Organization for Standardization identifier is AT-7 and we reference it as iso:id=AT-7.

This is a region.

Its International Organization for Standardization identifier is JP-13 and we reference it as iso:id=JP-13.

This is a region.

Its International Organization for Standardization identifier is WS-TU and we reference it as iso:id=WS-TU.

This is a region.

Its International Organization for Standardization identifier is TN-11 and we reference it as iso:id=TN-11.

This is a region.

Its International Organization for Standardization identifier is IT-TO and we reference it as iso:id=IT-TO.

This is a region.

Its International Organization for Standardization identifier is MN-1 and we reference it as iso:id=MN-1.