Concordances with GeoNames identifiers See all the sources that SFO Museum has concordances with

The San Luis Obispo County Airport is an airport that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its GeoNames identifier is 5392330 and we reference it as gn:id=5392330.

Its GeoNames identifier is 3985605 and we reference it as gn:id=3985605.

Its GeoNames identifier is 3827255 and we reference it as gn:id=3827255.

San Salvador
This is a city.

Its GeoNames identifier is 3583361 and we reference it as gn:id=3583361.

San Salvador
This is a region.

Its GeoNames identifier is 3583360 and we reference it as gn:id=3583360.

This is a city.

Its GeoNames identifier is 4784352 and we reference it as gn:id=4784352.

This is a city.

Its GeoNames identifier is 2960117 and we reference it as gn:id=2960117.

The Santa Barbara Municipal Airport is an airport that is relevant to the SFO Museum collection.

Its GeoNames identifier is 5392988 and we reference it as gn:id=5392988.

Santa Cruz
This is a region.

Its GeoNames identifier is 3904907 and we reference it as gn:id=3904907.

Santa Fe
This is a city.

Its GeoNames identifier is 5490263 and we reference it as gn:id=5490263.

This is a city.

Its GeoNames identifier is 3871336 and we reference it as gn:id=3871336.

Sao Paulo
This is a region.

Its GeoNames identifier is 3448433 and we reference it as gn:id=3448433.