
This map does not depict exactly where these places are located but rather an approximation. Think of it as being more "around here" than say another place in the world.
Aero Commuter (1967 to ..)
This company is from the United States
Aero Continente (1992 to 2005)
This company was from Peru
Aero Lloyd (1979 to 2003)
This company was from Germany
Aero Pacific Cargo ()
We haven't pinned down where this company is from, so for now we just assume it's "visiting" Null Island
Aero Spacelines (1960 to 1967)
This company was from the United States
Aero Uruguay ( to 2005)
This company was from Uruguay
AeroMexico (1934 to ..)
This company is from Mexico
Aeroamerica (1973 to 1982)
This company was from the United States
Aerocaribe (1975 to 2005)
This company was from Mexico